Professional Work

Here is a summary of the professional work I have done in my time at Agnes Scott.

The Outlaw Ocean Project
Washington, DC
June 2019-Present

–Collected and indexed external footage for the 2020 NBC story “The deadly secret of China’s invisible armada.”
–Worked on a team to fact check the 2021 Atlantic story “Purgatory at Sea.”
–Produced a video about The Outlaw Ocean’s mission for a conference at Chatham House.
–Performed research for the 2021 New Yorker story “Fish Farming is Feeding the Globe. What’s the Cost for Locals?”

VOX ATL Atlanta, GA
Staff Writer
August 2017-May 2019

–Facilitated community workshops in Atlanta high schools and afterschool programs.
–Produced audio essays on voter registration and suicide prevention.
–Published a video interview with Stacey Abrams about her activism as a Spelman College student.
–Captured photo essays of the Atlanta Women’s March and Protests.

The Profile (Agnes Scott College newspaper) Decatur, GA
August 2021-Present

–Leading weekly pitch meetings.
–Publishing student journalism online.
